here we are, in the new Year so welcome everyone into the 2012! – Doom’s Year as they say. Actually, it might not be the end of the world just yet because there a lot of thing to share, to create and invent so let’s postpone that Apocalypse thing a little longer, don’t you agree?
For example, let’s start this first ’12 post with an awesome independent label from Italy, Fly & I. They are a triple danger by combining t-shirt graphics, with design services and film/Music production. You would be crazy not to take a bite out of that. This generation is so damn lucky to have such inspiration and be guided towards such passionate and devoted artists!
You can tell from their homepage manifesto that they have well established a very clear and sensible direction concerning work ethic. Their encouragement towards true passion and love for what you do is a life lesson very carefully thought up to enunciate the value of stepping away from the day to day average condition. and this t tee shirt line is one aspect of how they support such a manifesto:
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